21 Days In - How is your year going so far?

With 21 days into the new year, can you recall the feeling you had as last year ended and you were ready and eager to put a sincere emphasis on the things which matter most? I am finding that life is way too effective at providing unnecessary distractions. 

These distractions are the things which eat away at our time and are usually void of real importance and absolutely not the items on our list of dreams and goals. Too often I have put off the very things which will fulfill my life and be the source of what feeds my soul and my purpose for being.

As I approach another birthday, my wish will be to avoid those distractions more often so I can do what it is I am here to do. For me this is to share my music. For I have watched how one song opens wide the doors to new opportunities and allows me a chance to lift a heart or transform a community.

So, how is your year going so far? There is no time like the present and rather than just getting things done, be sure to include being enormously fulfilled. Yes, even put that on the top of your list. I am sure and know you deserve it.

I produced a song called India which was inspired on our India Mantra SEVA Trips. As I mentioned, songs open doors and next month I again will be taking over twenty people to experience India and be of service (SEVA) to several schools and an orphanage. This is our 5th annual trip and a wonderful example of what can happen when we lean towards our passion in life. Before you know it this year will be coming to an end. To ensure you don't get distracted, just look for the happiest item on your list. 

Ciao and namaste….