How to keep the music flowing
A symphony is funded by patrons of the ARTS and only sustained by a caring community of friends who value music. Like the symphony, I am asking for your support. We can bring joy to so many. Please join me to continue producing intentional music, organizing international service tours and bringing my music into the healthcare system.
As a patron you pledge a small monthly donation which helps me to create the events, programs and music which supports my work in Arts in Healthcare, Strike-A-Chord with KIDS educational programs, and our annual *Thailand SEVA Tours.
Thank you so much for allying with me, I appreciate you.
or contribute this way…
Our work is for Service, for Healthcare, for Education.
“a PATRON is the encouragement and solid support behind my music and my outreach, and I am forever grateful.”

About The Puppy
The puppy in the picture crossed our path in New Delhi during one of our Mantra India SEVA Trips and was well loved-up by our group. The heart connection was instant and as a result both the puppy and everyone walking by received a generous wave of JOY.
This experience turned into another opportunity to get complete strangers to sing together.
Thank you for believing in me and in a vision of elevating joy and promoting healing arts through music and community events. It is an honor to ally with you.
Your support to our Outreach Angel Fund is important. ANGEL gifts make the impossible delightfully possible and allow many to experience my music, service trips and speaking around the world.
“Thank you for being an Angel by supporting
my music and its outreach in the world .”