When you travel, bring home a smile.


The world is waiting for you.


India Mantra SEVA Tour Experience

Trips from 2012 to 2019

Check-Out Our Gallery Below

Our Mantra trips to India include amazing people from all over America. These trips attract outstanding individuals who wish for more than just a tourist experience. All have agreed to be of service and support the children in these pictures just by saying YES to our trip. We travel the uncharted journey of India's schools, orphanage's and sacred ashrams and we even have a chance to sing and interact with these communities and make new friends..

You will see beautiful sacred sites and ancient wonders of India.

Enjoy these photos, they reflect the sweet energy of our experiences. And a HUGE thank you to all our Mantra participants, it was a TRUE JOY traveling with you!

Thailand SEVA Tour Experience

*See pictures from past trips. Beginning in 2013

Our Thailand SEVA Tour is not your typical tourist trip. We see the sites but we also visit schools, a special needs home, an orphanage, a disability center, a hospital rehab center and an Elephant rescue sanctuary. Just look at the pictures and you will see for yourself.

A special shout out and HUGE thank you to all who have joined us on past trips. You are an inspiration and we appreciate you and your wonderful open hearts.

The connections created with everyone on the trip and everyone we meet along the way is the best part of these experiences.

Please join us on our next trip.



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Where Next?

I'm thinking maybe Tanzania someday in the future.…I’ll keep you posted.