Is India calling your heart to visit?

February is a great time to travel to India. The weather is so beautiful. I guess that is the original reason why I picked February to go for my first visit. The invitation came from my dear friends, Beejal & Yogi Parmar. I am the proud Godfather of their two wonderful daughters, Shivani and Khushi.

Five years ago on my first trip, my life was changed by an invitation to sing for a school in a slum area in New Delhi. The students and community were beyond appreciative and showed me that joy is not contained in what we have. They openly gave to me that day and now I share their love and pure joy with all who travel with me to India.

There are many different ways to see India and if you have ever said to yourself, I always wanted to go to India, then seeing it up close will open your heart beyond measure. Singing with me to the hundreds of kids we meet is a beautiful way to bring smiles and be of service to the sweet faces which will personally greet you. What we receive in return is a life changing moment in time and an brief encounter with our own humanity.